Thursday, March 1, 2012

2/29/12 Show Notes

LandStalker [0:00 - 5:07]  First Play Through.  My first impressions of this game are very positive.  For any genesis game the breaking factor is the music but every single tune has been an excellent example of what the system can do.  At this point my biggest gripe is the sluggish controls, it moves on a grid from an isometric perspective, it makes judging the distance and height of jumps very difficult, espcially since there are no shadows.   To move up and down you have to press a combination of one plus right or left, so you always have to press the D-pad in the diagonal.  I also doesn't help that its some times sluggish like StarTopics.  On the positive the graphics are colorful and detailed with remarkably well written dialog.  I look forward to continuing my play through tomorrow.

Check it Out: